Ever wonder what “CG&S” stands for? This admittedly strange sequence of letters is short for Clarence Guerrero and Sons. But in my mind, it always stood for Clarence Guerrero and Stella. Stella is my mom’s name and in 1957 she helped my dad start CG&S.

Stella did not have a chance to go to college. Everything she learned was self-taught. While my dad sold, estimated, and built projects, my mom focused on all the office activities like payroll, account receivables, taxes, and the like. She managed the business while also raising eight children. Her commitment to the company did not prevent her from being a fully involved parent, a dual life (and sometimes struggle) a lot of us know well. She accomplished all of this with an amazing amount of patience and grace and it’s these actions that helped lay the foundation of who I am today.

While running just one business and a household would be plenty for most, Stella started a make-ready cleaning company when my youngest sibling started kindergarten. She began by cleaning CG&S jobsites (smart lady), and then expanded to local volume builders’ sites. Additionally, she learned how to file taxes (an opportunity given to her by cleaning client H&R Block) and expanded this service to subcontractors that worked for CG&S. Stella was good at seeing opportunities to make money (she even started a company aptly named “Stella’s Gold” where she bought and sold gold jewelry to family and friends). She would include us kids in all her endeavors. She gave us opportunities to work for her and earn income. While I preferred to sell jewelry, I spent most summers cleaning houses.

Thankfully Stella is still with us today at the young age of 91. She lives in her own home with my siblings and me providing rotating daily care. What I am most inspired by is my mom’s commitment to family. Even though she was extremely dedicated and driven, she did not sacrifice her relationships. Her dedication to my dad, bonds with my siblings and me (and now with her grand and great grandchildren) are strong and everlasting. Now that is a beautiful thing. That is a legacy.